UniKey CORE Platform API

With the UniKey Core Platform API you can build products which respond to lock/unlock events. A good example may be turning on your lights as your door is unlocked. In the future we’ll also be opening up a new API which allows remote commands, such as locking your door when your security system is triggered.

Supported Products

  • Kevo 1st Gen (Lock)
  • Kevo 2nd Gen (Lock)
  • Kevo Plus (Gateway)

The Basics

We employ a simple REST based JSON API. If you’ve used other popular REST APIs, you should feel right at home. We’ve tried to keep things simple and are always looking for feedback at apidev@unikey.com

API Features

  • Webhooks - Receive near real-time notification when a lock is locked or unlocked
  • Get User - Get information about the current user, such as name
  • Get Locks - Get a list of locks a user has access to
  • Get Lock - Get information about a lock a such as it’s name or it’s bolt status
  • Get Lock Events - Get a list of events and history from a lock
  • Coming Soon
    • Lock/Unlock a lock - Send a command to request a lock/unlock of a lock
    • Get Command - Get the status of a requested command
    • Send Key - Send any type of supported key through the API

What’s Next

If you’re interested refer to Getting Started